Speakers Bureau

In order to help support and strengthen the growth of local Collaborative communities, IACP is making available speakers, free of charge, to come visit with you in your own communities for 60 to 90 minutes presentations. Local Practice groups can select from a wide range of topics - we’ll match the best speaker to your Practice Group’s needs and will split the travel expenses with the host community*. (Travel expenses can include 1 night of hotel accommodations and either airfare or mileage reimbursement at the government standard rate). We hope you will take advantage of this wonderful and affordable opportunity to learn from and connect with some of the best thought leaders in our community!

*Due to COVID, IACP is now offering the Speaker's Bureau programming in a virtual format.  There is a flat administrative fee of $250.00 (USD) for a virtual Speakers Bureau event.  It is expected that virtual events will run an average of an hour to 90 minutes and are not to exceed 120 minutes.  IACP can provide the Zoom meeting space, or Practice Groups are welcome to utiize their own webinar applications.

We can be there for Practice Group educational events, Annual Meetings, networking opportunities – any events at which your Practice Group comes together. We’re committed to helping support your Practice Group’s success.

To request an IACP Speaker for your group, please complete the Speakers Bureau Request Form below.

We’re looking forward to the opportunity to visit with you!

(Please note: securing Continuing Education credits and Certificates of Attendance are the responsibility of the host.)